Radical Roots Community Farm



Radical Roots farm, July 22, 2015. (Photo by Norm Shafer).



Radical Roots Farm
David & Lee O’Neill
3083 Flook Lane
Keezletown, VA  22832
(540) 269-2228
Radical Roots on facebook

Radical Roots Farm catalyzes positive change by growing high quality, organically grown vegetables, educating about permaculture & sustainable agriculture and living this vision.

50 different crops all certified organic.  This means that Radical Roots’ entire supply chain is certified organic as well.  All of their amendments, straw mulch and compost meets strict organic standards.  Water, soil and knowledge of organic methods have all been tested and certified to ensure that you get the healthiest freshest vegetables, herbs and fruits possible!

On Tour Day:
We will do a farm tour at 10:30-12. Visitors can learn about sustainable design, innovative organic growing techniques and about our apprenticeship program, which has taught over 50 new farmers how to start their own organic farm!

Farm Sales

We will have an on farm plant sale on the Meet Yer Eats tour day.  Joining us will be the Natural Garden, featuring their amazing native plant selection.  So folks can pick up their Certified Organic garden transplants AND their native landscaping plants to attract beneficials. We will be offering all Radical Roots plants at 20% off.

Radical Roots farm, July 22, 2015. (Photo by Norm Shafer).

I-81 North to Exit 247a  (33 East)  Turn LEFT at the first light on Linda Lane.  Go 1 mile and turn left at roundabout on Smithland North.  Go 1/2 mile and turn RIGHT at stop on Old Furnace Road.  Go 3 miles and at the stop sign turn LEFT on Indian trail.  Go 1/2 mile and take first RIGHT on Minnie Ball.  Go 1 mile and at the stop sign turn LEFT on Mountain Valley.  Go 1/2 mile and take first Left on Flook Lane (gravel road).  Go 1/3 mile and the farm is the first driveway on the RIGHT, park near greenhouse

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